Project Proposal: With UML modeling

- By Pujan S Mehta and team


Table of Contents:

New Desired System
System Design
1. Use Case
1.1. Use Case Narratives
2. Class Diagrams
3. Activity Diagram’s
3.1. Registration and paper submission
4. Sequence Diagrams
4.1. Paper Submission
5. Collaboration Diagrams
5.1. Paper Submission
6. Reference


The Association for Information Management (AIM) hosts an annual conference, the International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). The Conference is an opportunity for members of the academic, corporate, and government institutions to present their work (in the form of papers) on the management of information.

The current system uses a manual process that requires the submission of the papers to the Office of AIM. Then the program chair, along with the assistance of volunteer reviewers, reviews the submissions and decides if the paper will be presented or not. After contacting the author to confirm the author’s intention to present the paper, the submission is placed on the program in one of the various sessions. The main conference program office determines the schedule and resolves any scheduling conflicts.

New Desired System:

AIM is planning to design a in house system that will replace the manual system. The system must fulfill two objectives: (1) replace the manual submission and review system with an automated web-based system that tracks peer reviews and schedules conference sessions; and (2) implement several improvements to the as-is system in the development of the new automated system. To meet these objectives, AIM’s Vice President Dr. Hongwei Shen, has outlined preliminary the objectives and requirements as below

1. System must be web based.
2. Provide secure login and authentication of submitter, administrator and other authorized 3
3. Online registration form that captures the following information: Date of the submission, Author(s), Title of paper, Subject of the paper.
4. Online submission of paper and assigning unique ID number to each submission.
5. Ability of the author(s) to make the following changes until submission deadline:
5.1. Update contact information,
5.2. Update author(s),
5.3. Change title/ Update paper, and withdraw paper.
6. Close registration process when submission deadline occurs.
7. Online assignment of paper to reviewers by program chair. At least three reviewers per paper based on subject of paper.
8. Evaluations of reviewers submitted to program chair via same web portal.
9. Program chair makes final decision after review of papers
10. Individual Authors are informed about the result by automated email.
11. Provide access to original submitters to view comments on submissions after review of paper.
12. Preparing schedule for paper presentation at conference.
After a lengthy solicitation period and several proposals, our team, Bhardwaj, Liu, McCarthy, Mehta, has come up the proposal outlined in next section of this document.

System Design:

For our proposal, we have used Universal Modeling Language (UML). What is UML?
Unified Modeling Language is the industry-standard language for the specification, visualization, construction, and documentation of the components of software systems. UML helps to simplify the process of software design, making a model for construction with a number of different views. One of the great merits of UML is the way it helps open up the development process with what are called use cases. These serve to identify principal roles (actors) in the system, boundaries, actions, and so on. Software developers need not write use cases; instead, other stakeholders can provide them. Integrated tools allow for use cases to be incorporated into the development process (ref:
Object management Group is an international Non-profit organization which maintains the UML standard. UML is also used for modeling business process and Data structures. There are many commercial and Gnu tools available for using UML to implement and represent the system design and architecture.

We have developed a description our envisioned system using StarUML, version, an open source software application. The following pages contain various representations of the users, their associated activities, and the processes that occur with the proposed on-line registration and paper submission. The UML representations provide a visual framework for the requirements and will assist AIM in determining if any processes have not been captured in the requirements document.

1. Use Case
A use case is representation of system at a very high level in terms of relationship

between actors and use case (possible scenarios in a system)
The following use case diagram displays the full system which is divided in 2 parts the public interface and the internal admin interface.

The actors represent the users which will have the access to the system. The figures on each side of the “box” represent the individuals or entities outside of the proposed on-line system. They include the author of the paper (although there are many authors, for purposes of the diagram it is listed as a single author), the program chair of the ICIM, the review of the paper (also one representing many), and the system administrator has access to al the resources in the system and is responsible for security and integrity of the system. So as to make sure that the full system is online at all given times.

2. Class Diagrams

Class diagrams are used to represent and model real life entities in a asytem and there associations to each other. They describe system at three different levels, conceptual, specification and implementation. A class which is conceptualized has some attributes and some operations can be performed on the class too. The diagram below is a tentative Class diagram and Representation of paper submission system.

3. Activity Diagram’s

An Activity diagram displays the actions states and transition from one stat to next after completion of the previous one. These diagrams focus on flows driven by internal processing. Following activity diagram take in consideration few of the many integral process of the paper submission system

4. Sequence Diagrams

- Displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the interaction. This consists of the vertical dimension (time) and horizontal dimension (different objects). The following diagram show flow of events in a sequence of actions one after another

5. Collaboration Diagrams

Collaboration diagrams show the relations between different objects of a system it uses sequence numbers to show actions and arrows to show the associations. They are derived from the sequence diagrams.
Below are the Collaboration diagram for the respective sequence diagrams.

6. Reference:

What is UML? Retrieved Oct 16, 2007, from
INFM603 - Class Notes and Slides
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